Thursday, April 5, 2018

Spanish Game: Berlin Defense, Rio de Janeirro Variation

Paris, 1901

1. e4, e5
2. Nf3, Nc6
3. Bb5, Nf6
4. 0-0, Nxe4
5. d4, Be7
6. Qe2, Nd6
7. Bxc6, bxc6
8. dxe5, Nb7
9. Nc3, 0-0
10. Be3, Nc5
11. Bxc5, Bxc5
12. Ne4, Be7
13. Rad1, a5
14. Rfe1, a4
15. Nd4, Qe8

Preempting 16. Nxc6 ....

16. Qh5, Kh8
17. Nf6 ....

17. ....Bxf6

If 17.....gxf6 then 18. exf6 pinning the Bishop.

18. exf6, Qd8
19. fxg7+, Kxg7
20. Nf5+, Kh8
21. Qh6, Rg8

To prevent Qg7 mate.

22. Re8 ...

Black resigned.

Black cannot parry simultaneous mating threats Qg7 and Qf6.  If 22.....Qg5 then 23. Qxg5 Rxe8 24. Qg7 mate.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Caro-Kann Defense, Main Line

Rudolf Spielmann vs. Balduv Hoenlinger
Vienna, 1929

1. e4, c6
2. d4, d5
3. Nc3, dxe4
4. Nxe4, Nf6
5. Ng3, e6
6. Nf3, c5
7. Bd3, Nc6

Black loses his Queen after 7....cxd4, 8. Nxd4 Qxd4, 9.Bb5+...

8. dxc5, Bxc5
9. a3, 0-0
10. 0-0, b6
11. b4, Be7
12. Bb2, Qc7
13. b5, Na5
14. Ne5, Bb7
15. Ng4, Qd8
16. Ne3, Nd5
17. Qh5!, g6
18. Ng4!, Bf6

If 18....gxh5 then 19. Nh6 mate.

19. Nxf6, Nxf6
20. Qh6, Rc8
21. Rad1, Qe7
22. Rfe1, Ne8

Black secures the g7 square.

23. Nf5!!, Qc5

If 23....gxf5 then 24. Bxf5 with mating threat at h7.

24. Re5, Bd5
25. Ne7+ .....

Black resigned.  If 25.....Qxe7 then 26. Qxh7+ Kxh7, 27. Rh5+ Kg8, 28. Rh8 mate.

Fabulous game !!
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