Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sicilian Defense: Fischer-Sozin Attack

Skopje, 1967

1. e4, c5
2. Nf3, d6
3. d4, cxd4
4. Nxd4, Nf6
5. Nc3, Nc6
6. Bc4, e6
7. Be3, Be7
8. Bb3, 0-0
9. Qe2, Qa5
10. 0-0-0, Nxd4
11. Bxd4, Bd7
12. Kb1, Bc6
13. f4, Rad8
14. Rhf1, b5

The Fischer-Sozin Attack. Promoted by Fischer, but ironically now used against him. Normally, Black prepares for the attack by ....a6 followed by ....b5. In this case, however, the pawn is fully supported.

15. f5, b4
16. fxe6, bxc3
17. exf7+ ....

Typical of Fischer, who sacrifices pieces in order to achieve the desired position.

17. .... Kh8
18. Rf5, Qb4
19. Qf1 ....

Threatening 20. Bxf6.

19. .... Nxe4
20. a3, Qb7
21. Qf4, Ba4
22. Qg4 ....

White attacks Black's weakest link. Definitely not 22. Qh6 because of 22....Bf6, 23. Rxf6 Nxf6, 24. Bxf6 Rxf7.

22. .... Bf6
23. Rxf6, Bxb3

White resigns. Black's threat at b2 and f6 would be too much. If 23. Bxc3 Nxc3+, 24. bxc3 Bc4+, 25. Ka1 Rb8! and mate follows.

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