Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pirc Defense: Austrian Attack, Unzicker Attack

Foxwoods Open, Connecticut 2005

1. e4, g6
2. d4, Bg7
3. Nc3, d6
4. f4 ....

The Austrian Attack. This move strengthens the central pawn structure, and provides support for future attacks.

4. .... Nf6
5. Nf3, 0-0
6. e5 ....

The Unzicker Attack. This thrust displaces the Black Knight and limits the control of g7 Bishop.

6. .... Nfd7
7. h4!, c5
8. h5, cxd4
9. hxg6!! ....

White sacrifices a piece. Black thought White was aiming for h7, so he took the gambit.

9. .... dxc3
10. gxf7+!!, Rxf7

If 10....Kh8, then 11. Ng5 h6, 12. Qd3 ... with a mating attack.

11. Bc4, Nf8
12. Ng5, e6
13. Nxf7 ...

White takes the Rook since it is now unpinned.

13. .... cxb2
14. Bxb2 ...

Black would be at an advantage if 14. Nxd8 bxa1=Q.

14. .... Qa5+
15. Kf1, Kxf7
16. Qh5+, Kg8
17. Bd3, Qb4
18. Rb1, Bd7?

A useless move. Better would be 18....Qxf4+.

19. c4 ...

An attempt to cover the f4 pawn.

19. .... Qd2
20. Bxh7+, Nxh7
21. Qxh7+, Kf8
22. Rh4, Resigns

No matter which move he makes, Black could no longer defend the g7 Bishop or the g8 square if 23. Rg4!!.

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