"I am the best player in the world and I am here to prove it." - Bobby Fischer
Not to be outdone, Fischer has his own Immortal Game. This game was awarded the 1st Brilliancy Prize in the U.S. Chess Championship (1963-1964), and is considered one of the best games Fischer has ever played.
King's Indian Defense, Fianchetto Variation
1. d4, Nf6
2. c4, g6
3. g3, c6
4. Bg2, d5
5. cxd5 ....
Qb3 creates more tension. - Fischer
5. .... cxd5
6. Nc3, Bg7
7. e3, 0-0
8. Nge2, Nc6
9. 0-0, b6
10. b3 .....
White intends to develop his own Bishop at a3.
10. .... Ba6
11. Ba3, Re8
12. Qd2, e5
13. dxe5, Nxe5
14. Rfd1 ....
Fischer thinks that 14. Rad1 is more superior.
14. .... Nd3!!
15. Qc2 ....
White plans to capture the Knight by 19. Rxd3.
15. .... Nxf2!!
16. Kxf2, Ng4+
17. Kg1, Nxe3
18. Qd2 ....
Adding pressure on the d4 pawn.
18. .... Nxg2!!!
This dazzling move came as a shocker. At this point, two grandmasters who were commenting on the play for the spectators in a separate room believed White had a won game.
19. Kxg2, d4!
20. Nxd4, Bb7+!!
21. Kf1 ....
If 21. Kg1, then 21. .... Re1+, 22. Rxe1 or 22. Qxe1 Bxd4+!! and the power of two Bishops comes into play.
21. .... Qd7 !!
White resigns, for he will lose his Queen after 22. Qf2 Qh3+, 23. Kg1 Re1+!!, 24. Rxe1 Bxd4.
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