The importance of castling is again reiterated in today's post. The game below also underlines the chess theory that the Queen should not be moved too early in the game, since it could be trapped and an easy target for attack.
Riga, 1913
1. e4, e6
2. d4, d5
3. Nc3, Nf6
4. exd5, Nxd5
5. Nf3, c5
6. Nxd5, Qxd5
The Black Queen began traveling...
7. Be3!, cxd4
8. Nxd4, a6
9. Be2, Qxg2?
Black fell to White's trap.
10. Bf3, Qg6
11. Qd2, e5
White decides to sacrifice the Knight in exchange for an open position, taking advantage of the uncastled King.
12. .... exd4
13. Bxd4 ....
White now threatens 14. Bxg7 Bxg7, 15. Qd8 mate.
13. .... Nc6
14. Bf6!! ....
Fantastic! The threat now is 15. Qd8+ Nxd8, 16. Rxd8 mate.
14. .... Qxf6
If 14....gxf6 or 14....Be6, then 15. Bxc6+ and White wins. If 14....Be7 then 15. Bxc6+ bxc6, 16. Qd8+ Bxd8, 17. Rxd8 mate.
15. Rhe1+, Be7
If 15...Be6, then White mates with 16. Qd7.
16. Bxc6+, Kf8
17. Qd8+, Bxd8
18. Re8 mate
White took exceptional advantage of Black's uncastled King and wandering Queen.
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