New York, 1998
1. d4, d5
2. c4, dxc4
3. e3, e6
4. Bxc4, Nf6
5. Nf3, c5
6. Qe2 ....
If 6. dxc5 Qxd1, the exchange of Queens would be bad for White.
6. .... a6
7. dxc5, Bxc5
8. e4, Qc7
9. e5, Ng4
10. 0-0, Nxf2
11. b4, Nh3+
12. Kh1, Nf2+
13. Rxf2, Bxf2
14. Nbd2, Ba7
15. Ne4, 0-0
16. Nf6+ ....
The sacrifice intends to open-up the g-file.
16. .... gxf6
17. gxf6, Nd7
18. Qd2 ....
The Queen is bound for g5, threatening mate.
18. .... Rd8
19. Qg5+, Kf8
20. Bf4, Qc6
If 20.....Qxc4, then 21. Bd6+ Ke8, 22. Qg8+ Nf8, 23. Qxf8+ Kd7, 24. Qe7+ Kc6, 25. Qxd8 ... and White wins more materials.
21. Rd1 ....
The threat of Bd6+ has become more plausible.
21. .... Nxf6
22. Rxd8+, Ne8
23. Ne5, Resigns
The White Queen has nowhere to go. If 23....Qb6, then White continues the attack by 24. Rxe8+ Kxe8, 25. Qg8+ Ke7, 26. Qxf7+ Kd6, 27. Nd7+ and Black loses his Queen.
If 23....Qc7, then 24. Ng6+ hxg6, 25. Bxc7 ....
If 23....Qa4 or Qe4, then 24. Nd7+ Bxd7, 25. Bd6 mate.
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