Saturday, August 26, 2017

Queen's Gambit Declined

Budapest, 1896d3

1. d4, d5
2. c4, e6
3. Nc3, c6
4. e3, Nf6
5. Nf3, Nbd7
6. Bd3, Bd6
7. 0-0, 0-0
8. e4, dxe4
9. Nxe4, Nxe4
10. Bxe4, Nf6
11. Bc2, h6
12. Be3, Re8
13. Qd3, Qc7
14. c5, Bf8
15. Ne5, Bxc5

Black hopes to get an extra pawn, but White's reply surprises him.

16. Bxh6, Bxd4

If 16.....gxh6, then White attacks with Qg3+ and threatens to capture the Queen with Ng6+.

17. Qxd4, gxh6
18. Qf4!! ....

Still threatening the Black Queen ....

18. ... Nd5
19. Qxh6!! ...

Black cannot capture the Knight because of the threat Bh7+.

19. ... f6
20. f4!! ....

White maintains the threat.

20. ... Re7
21. Ng6!! ...

21. .... Re8

If 21....Rh7, then White mates with 22. Qf8.

If 21....Rg7, then 22. Qh8+ Kf7, 23. Qf8 mate.

22. Qh8+, Kf7
23. Qh7 mate.

Superb play by Harry Pillsbury !

To view the game in PGN format, you may visit  Pillsbury vs. Winawer.

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