Monday, May 20, 2013

King's Indian Attack

5TH US Open, 1956

1. Nf3, Nf6
2. g3, d5
3. Bg2, Bf5
4. 0-0, e6
5. d3, c6
6. Nbd2, Na6
7. a3, Nc5
8. c4, b5
9. Nd4! ....

Attacking both the c6-pawn and the Bishop at f5.

9. .... Qd7
10. Nxf5, exf5
11. Nb3, h6
12. Be3, Ne6
13. Nd4, g6

If 13....bxc4 dxc4, 14. dxc4 Bxc6! and Black loses his Queen.

14. Qb3, Rb8
15. Nxc6, Qxc6
16. cxd5, Nc5

17. Qc3!!, Qd6

White's pin on the Queen leaves Black has no other choice.  Now, if 18. Nxd5 Bxd5, 19. Qxd5 Qxh8.

18. Bxc5!!, Qxc5
19. Qxf6, Resigns

Black loses one Rook.  If 19....Rg8, then 20. Qe5+ followed by Qxb8.

Wonderful winning combination!

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