Monday, May 27, 2013

Sicilian Defense, Fischer-Sozin Attack

Mar del Plata (1960)

1. e4, c5
2. Nf3, d6
3. c4, cxd4
4. Nxd4, Nf6
5. Nc3, a6
6. Bc4 ....

The Fischer-Sozin Attack.  Introduced by Veniamin Sozin in the 1930s, this received little attention until Fischer regularly adopted it, and it was a frequent guest at the top level through the 1970s. White plays 6 Bc4 with the idea of playing against f7, so Black counters with 6...e6 7 Bb3 b5. The Sozin has become less popular because of 6...e6 7 Bb3 Nbd7 where Black intends to follow up with ...Nc5 later. It is possible to avoid the Nbd7 option with 7 0-0, but this cuts the aggressive possibility to castle long.  (Source: Wikipedia)

6. .... e6
7. Bb3, b5
8. 0-0, Bb7
9. f4 ....

The e4 is a poisoned pawn. If 9....Nxe4, 10. Nxe4 Bxe4, 11. Re1 Bb7, 12. Bxe6 fxe6, 13. Nxe6 .... White's attack becomes disastrous.

9. .... Nc6
10. Nxc6, Bxc6
11. f5, e5
12. Qd3, Be7
13. Bg5, Qb6+
14. Kh1, 0-0
15. Bxf6, Bxf6
16. Bd5, Rac8
17. Bxc6, Rxc6
18. Rad1, Rfc8
19. Nd5, Qd8
20. c3, Be7
21. Ra1 ....

Fischer prepares for a flank attack.

21. ... f6?

Black seals the f-file, but in so doing opens the a2-g8 diagonal.

22. a4 ....

The flank attack begins.  The intention is to divert Black's attention to the defense of the b5 pawn, and leave the c6 Rook at White's mercy.

22. .... Rb8
23. Nxe7, Resigns

Black loses a piece.  If 23....Qxe7, then 24. Qd5+ ....

Marvelous play by White.

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